For en drøy måned siden utlyste vi en liten konkurranse her på bloggen. endelig kommer svaret. Jeg legger ved et lite utdrag fra vår kjære statsministers hjemmeside;
"Australia’s National Colours
Green and gold were proclaimed Australia’s national colours by the
Governor-General on 19 April 1984. Prior to the proclamation Australia had no official colours. Three colour combinations traditionally had claim to be Australia’s national colours: red, white and blue; blue and gold; and green and gold.
The colours red, white and blue were featured in the first Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth in 1908 and are the colours of the Australian national flag.
The colours blue and gold have heraldic significance as they are the c
olours of the crest in the 1912 (present) Commonwealth Coat of Arms.
The colours green and gold gained wide popularity and acceptance as the traditional national colours in Australian and international sporting events since before Federation and have been associated with many great sporting achievements since.It was not until April 19, 1984, that green and gold were officially declared Australia's national sports colours by the then Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen. The combination was, however, used in the jumpers, blazers and caps of the Australian cricket team to tour England in 1899, but was not ratified by the Australian Cricket Board until 1908. It was also worn by the Australian Olympic team in that year, while the Australian Rugby League adopted the colours in 1928. Green and gold were the popular choice to represent Australia internationally because the colours closely resembled those of our national emblem the golden wattle."
Så var det gjort. Det var ingen helt riktige(eller i nærheten av riktige) svar, men den eneste som hevda seg var i grunn vår kjære venn Einar Bjørshol. Gratulerer. Heder og ære til deg!!
Legger ved et litt lettere spørsmål denne gangen. Hvem er dette, og hva heter han?
Var dette vanskelig? Heder og ære venter den med først riktig svar.
Det var dagens...
Hej då
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(hvis jeg tar feil nå så rødmer jeg og synker langt ned i snøen og forsvinner)
Og datoen for skjærgårds er torsdag 6.juli, klokken 22.30.
;) klem
Bra Ellen! Men hvem er John Howard?
Dette er jo rett og slett deres egen statsminister nå for tiden. kanskje ikke like populær blant båtflytninger, men du for en mektig mann.
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